
Phoenix office: 1850 N. Central Ave., # 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 | Sun City office: 13250 N. Del Webb Blvd. # B Sun City, AZ 85351

Sharon Ravenscroft Estate Planning Blog

Welcome to my blog covering all things estate planning, family estate planning. business planning, wills, trusts & probate.

New laws regarding marriage

Now that Arizona recognizes same-sex marriage it is a good idea to review your estate plan. Do you have a Domestic Partnership Agreement which should become a Pre-Marriage or Post-Marriage Agreement? Do you have joint property that now can be treated as community property? Does a family member have a partner who now legally can be recognized as an ...

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“State of celebration” for same sex couples.

The IRS has ruled that same-sex couples legally married in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriages, will be treated as married for federal tax purposes. The ruling applies even if a same-sex couple moves to a jurisdiction that does not recognize same-sex marriages. Therefore, the IRS in a revenue ruling, 2013-17, have adopted a “state of ...

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  2265 Hits

Trusts and Agreements help balance family and new relationships

We live so much longer now, many of us start a second adulthood in our 59s and 60s. Sometimes with a new career. Sometimes with a new love. Estate planning, such as with a trust or domestic partnership agreement,can balance the need to provide for a new love and the desired gifts to adult children. A domestic partnership agreement is similar to a p...

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Premarital is needed to make earnings sole and separate

If you need to protect your fiancee or spouse from your creditors, then simply titling assets as separate property is not enough. A pre-marital agreement or post-marriage agreement is the only way your earnings can be considered separate property under Arizona law. Otherwise, if you use earnings to pay the mortgage or add to an investment in your s...

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  2258 Hits

Same Sex Couples--Legal Solutions for Estate Planning Problems

Same sex couples truly can benefit from estate planning. A trust and powers of attorney can give legal authority to your loved one -- to help you if you are ill, incapacitated or even make sure the loved one receives your assets the way you want. For more information see the article on my website under About Living With People, Domestic Partners Sh...

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  2200 Hits